The wiring is faulty and needs to be replaced. Ice-Melting for Naked Electric Power Lines by Short-circuit Current under Reduced Voltage 线路上有短路需要换线.利用降压短路电流融化电力裸导线表面覆冰
AC/ DC FLASHOVER PERFORMANCE AND ITS VOLTAGE CORRECTION OF UHV INSULATORS IN HIGH ALTITUDE AND ICING AND POLLUTION ENVIRONMENTS Ice-Melting for Naked Electric Power Lines by Short-circuit Current under Reduced Voltage 高海拔、污秽、覆冰环境下超高压线路绝缘子交直流放电特性及闪络电压校正研究利用降压短路电流融化电力裸导线表面覆冰
Each staggered while trying to decide who had the better right to the door. Like other imperialists, they played naked big-power politics. 两人都打了个趔趄,弄不清到底谁有权先通过大门。和别的帝国主义者一样,他们也玩弄赤裸裸的强权政治。
Prevention and Elimination of Common Quality Problems of Naked Concrete in A Power Plant 某电厂清水砼质量通病的防治与消除
Naked ambition; raw fury; you may kill someone someday with your raw power. 明显的野心;明显的暴怒;以你蛮力总有一天会害死某个人的。
Member of a Hindu sect practicing gymnosophy ( especially nudism). Like other imperialists, they played naked big-power politics. 印度教流派中的身体力行裸体主义哲学(特别是裸体主义)的一支。和别的帝国主义者一样,他们也玩弄赤裸裸的强权政治。
And it may be that there aren't any real grievances at all, but that one of you is trying to pull off a naked power play. 或者可能并没有什么冤情,只是当事人中有一方想要玩弄赤裸裸的权术。
Most of power transmission lines are naked, therefore they are apt to be damaged by lightning, and it may cause power interruption and damage to electrical equipment and other accidents. 电力系统的输电及配电线路大部分裸露在空中,因而最易遭受雷击并造成供电中断、供用电设备损坏等事故。